Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Unleash Your True Potential

When was the last time you checked your Spam inbox? It's just fascinating what one will find:

Re: Your Order for Enhancement
Re: Always ashamed of your small tool? Unleash your true potential NOW
Most popular male device enlargement
Wait til she sees the changes.
Re: When it absolutely, positively, has to be there tonight
The person really desired me.
The person was really desired by others.
consider your male aggregate length
Most popular male aggregate enlarger
Never lose hope to improve!
Girth and length - your best companions
10 inches is possible
Who says that wishes can't come true?
Want it to hang?
Upsize where it matters
A little d.i.c.k.
Girls love it when you plunge deeper
Being larger is everything
Does it satisfy her?
Win from benefits of hidden secret of porn stars!
Sorry for the bad news
The person had beautiful eyes.
Now this is funny!
I'm going to show you

And that is only the FIRST PAGE! Thank you for existing, automatic Gmail Spam filter!

1 comment:

devin said...

hey, why are all my emails going to your spam box? (that sounds like another one)