Tuesday, November 03, 2009

where in the world WAS meghan o. mahoney?

Today, as regularly happens, i was inspired to revisit the good ol' blog. perhaps because this all began as me writing about an unusual year of international travels, i've been wondering what in the world i could actually write about in an entertaining fashion now that i'm a boring 9-5 er and even more boring MBA student.

But then i said to myself, "self, even when you were traveling all you were writing about was the very experience of being boring. Plus, isn't that how Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld struck it big?"

So, if my life was just as boring 2, 3, 4 years ago...what was I writing about then that I thought others might find interesting? Let's see....

FOUR years ago, I was in Denmark, working out my loneliness and angst. And apparently continuing to discover Rilke. I was actually just searcing the other day for the quote I posted and Caitlin just hung it on our dining room wall.

THREE years ago I was running and fell on my face. I still do a lot of that, too.

TWO year ago, I apparently did find something interesting to post... my ostrich riding video from South Africa. I think I missed my calling as an ostrich jockey.

And LAST year, I was honoring one of the most amazing women I've been blessed to know and share genes with. It's too bad blogs didn't exist during her hayday.

And now we come to today. I woke up and read some T.S. Eliot, uploaded some pictures from my most recent travels (namely Greece and Cali) and I'm about to go for a run and will likely fall on my face. I guess some things never change.

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