Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week 2 - 13 Miles and Scrambled Eggs

I am on a high. A sheer high from this week's run.

At the end of last weeks ten miler, I was afraid that I had perhaps lost all of my running juice. I've been running 10+ miles on the weekend for nearly two years now, but the past few weeks have hurt... a lot. Over break I ran a 10 miler with a former coworker of my mother, who smoked me, absolutely smoked me, on what may have been my most painful run ever. Then, last weekend, I had my second awful feeling 10 miler in a row. Because we ran only in one direction, we were running against the wind the entire time. So, although it was a great run overall, it was somewhat brutal beating on against the wind for over an hour and Suzanne and I most definitely clocked our slowest pace yet! This week just added to the feelings of insecurity in my running. I now realize that my lack of juice was an attribute of just getting back from break and getting back into the swing of a full day of work plus evening classes, but every morning felt like I got hit wit a ton of bricks and that my legs just wouldn't GO.

But yesterday was a redeemer for all of the pain and negative feelings. Suzanne, Mark and I set our for our first long distance run as a threesome and I genuinely had a fantastic time for almost the entire 13 miles. It's hard not to enjoy a run when you're blessed with the beautiful sunshine we had yesterday morning. The sky was clear and the sun was radiant. There is still a bit of snow on the ground, so rays of light were dancing off both the sky and ground. The only downfall to such a clear winter day is that it is freakin' cold. I think the temperature read 20 degrees when I left and I didn't have to take off any of my 4 shirt layers during the run as I usually do. Once we got going, the cold wasn't a problem since there was no wind factor, but it does make it extra difficult to get your legs warmed up and in the running groove.

They sure got there quickly, though! I ran from my house (uphill) to meet Suzanne and Mark closer to the pond, if you take a look at the map below, you'll see that the next few miles go behind the pond and up Perkins and Goddard Streets into Brookline. If you know the area at all, you'll know that Goddard St. is something of a mini mountain, going up and up until you get to Larz Anderson Park....but with its gorgeous green hills and amazing view of the city, it's always worth it when you get to Anderson! It's my favorite place to watch the sun rise during a run, but these days I'm generally back home and in the shower before the sun starts showing its head.

I was torn between running up the hill at the beginning both because our legs weren't quite warm and because I didn't want to ruin the next 11 miles we'd have to run, but it turned out to be a great incline. I imagine if we keep running that hill we'll definitely be in good shape for heartbreak hill on the marathon course!

The rest of our run brought us through Brookline's Allandale farm area (even MORE uphill) and back down Centre St. (a very weak downhill for all the uphill) and past the Pond again.
We stopped for a quick water break back at our starting point and then set out for another 4.5 mile loop down the Emerald Necklace to Fenway and back.

I never cease to be blown away by the sheer beauty of the area in which I live. I technically live in one of the biggest cities in the Northeast, yet I can go out for a thirteen mile run and spend most of that time in wooded rolling hills, farmland, and in the quiet of secluded riverway trails. Thank you for that, Olmstead!

While I was certainly tired by the end of the run and could think of nothing but food by mile 10, the best word I can think of to describe the morning was sensational. Literally, my mind and body were alive by the sensations of sunlight, fresh air, good conversation, and as it's written in the Olympic Charter, the joy of effort.

It is easy to experience such contentment while running 13 miles when you're running with Suzanne and Mark, two of the most humble, grateful people I know. Seriously, I can't count the number of times each expressed gratitude for having the sheer ability to run, having a downhill, having good jobs and supportive friends. That kind of positive energy is contagious. They are both quite inspiring in their commitment and determination. Two people who, if they decide they are going to do something, do it. Mark actually ran the San Diego Marathon last year, so is the only Marathon veteran in the group. However, he did it entirely without training, so we've got a step up in that department. He's committed to it, though, that's for sure. It's amazing to me that he can go from barely running, to finishing a 12 mile loop with us without a hitch.

Suzanne is equally as determined and committed. Honestly, the girl is pumping with so much energy that she could go out today and run a double-marathon (yes, people actually do that!). But she's determined to train. And she's determined to do all that she can to honor the memory of Jonathan's mother, who gracefully passed away with cancer this past year. Suzanne shares her faith and love with everyone she encounters and is able to do it in a humble, inviting way that is both impressive and inspiring. Her running is a facet of her faith and where she often gets in touch with her deepest feelings and it has been a joy to be present to that for the past year and it is undoubtedly going to be a driving force for me the day of the marathon.

My own gratefulness and commitment are definitely most present when I run, or reflect on my running. This past week, especially, my thoughts kept returning to how grateful I am for the very fact that I have two strong legs and am able to get out there at all. Sure, after 13 miles it hurts and perhaps I didn't run that 13 miles as fast as I would have liked, but I just ran 13 miles! A lot of people don't have the physical ability to walk, let alone run 13 miles. Others don't have the time, the safe surroundings, or the physical health to even get out the door, let alone run 13 miles. So this week, whenever doubt set in, I returned to gratitude for these two long, gazelle like legs I have.

And I am committed to doing "the leg work" for those who can't. Not only those who can't run or don't have the access to be physically active, but those who are generally disenfranchised by our so often unjust society. No, running a marathon is not going to create a just society. But my hope is that I will be able to use my pursuit as a means of raising awareness and funds for Sport in Society, an organization that strives to foster equity and empower people with the knowledge and tools to construct the just world we all envision. And that is another opportunity for which I am unbelievably grateful. I am thankful every day that I get to work for such an extraordinary organization, and I wish there was even more I could do to support its work and our amazing staff.

Oh, yeah! Breakfast! Let's not forget the most important part - how lucky I am to return home to my own support team, which this week included Jessi, my best friend growing up! DQ took the cooking lead this weekend and made us some AMAZING scrambled eggs with veggies and toast. Jessi put together a sensational fruit salad and, of course, the java was hot and delicious as always! Really, though, the best tasting thing in the world after 13 miles of running is three huge glasses of water and a banana with a dollop of peanut butter!

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